On November 25, 2021, amendments to B.C.’s Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, R.S.B.C. 1996, c. 165 (“FOIPPA”) came into force through Bill 22-2021, with a few more anticipated within the coming months (by the end of next year). FOIPPA applies to records in the custody or control of “public bodies”, such as government ministries ...

Organizations are implementing Artificial Intelligence (AI) in numerous ways, directly and indirectly, to save time and money.
How can an organization ensure the AI platform or service fairly and adequately meets its needs, without being too privacy intrusive, biased, and uncertain?
A new Canadian method for managing these issues is articulated in a new Federal ...
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Lawson Lundell's Privacy and Data Management Blog provides updates on the most recent issues emerging in the legal and business communities. We cover a range of issues, legal developments, and new technology as they impact privacy and data management. We will focus on how organizations can protect, manage and innovate with information considering the various risks, regulatory and governance requirements.
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