Posted in Real Estate

The City of Vancouver imposes an annual Empty Homes Tax (“EHT”) on vacant Vancouver houses and residential lands to encourage owners to tenant the houses and encourage construction of new housing on empty lots. The Province imposes its own Speculation and Vacancy Tax (“SVT”) and the Federal Government imposes a similar Underused Housing Tax.

In April 2023, the ...

Posted in Real Estate

In December 2022, Vancouver City Council quietly enacted Bylaw No. 13575 (the “Amendment”), being an amendment to the City of Vancouver’s Parking Bylaw 6059 (the “Parking Bylaw”). Pursuant to the Amendment, accessible parking stalls in strata-titled developments must now be:

  • held in common ownership; and
  • not assigned to any strata lot.

Consequently, owner ...

Posted in Real Estate

This update is further to our first blog post from December 23, 2022 on the Prohibition on the Purchase of Residential Property by Non-Canadians Act (the “Act”).

Based on significant industry feedback from across the country with respect to the unintended consequences of the nationwide prohibition on the purchase of residential property by non-Canadians that came ...

Posted in Real Estate, Tax

Underused Housing Tax Filing Obligations

The filing deadline for the first year of the Federal Underused Housing Tax (“UHT”)[1] is fast approaching. Any owner of residential property in Canada who is not explicitly defined as an “excluded owner” must file a return by April 30, 2023 for each residential property of the owner. The UHT is a 1% tax on the value of vacant or ...

Posted in Real Estate


Earlier this year, the federal government introduced the Prohibition on the Purchase of Residential Property by Non-Canadians Act (the “Act”)[1], which comes into force on January 1, 2023. The stated purpose of the Act is to address Canada’s housing affordability crisis.

The Prohibition

The Act will prohibit non-Canadians from purchasing ...

Posted in Real Estate

In an effort to slow a then-frothy residential real estate market, the Province adopted amendments to the Property Law Act on April 25, 2022 to establish a new homebuyer rescission regime in B.C. These amendments provide buyers of residential real estate with a mandatory “cooling-off period” following execution of a purchase agreement, giving them more time to ...


In a recent decision, the Supreme Court of Canada ("SCC") has expanded the scope for constructive taking (also called de facto expropriation) claims. They have removed the requirement to show that a government has acquired a beneficial interest in the relevant land whose development rights they impair. This requirement has been replaced with the much broader category of ...

Posted in Real Estate

The proverbial ground is shifting beneath the feet of lenders, mortgage brokers and administrators in British Columbia with the introduction of the new Mortgage Services Act (the “MSA”) by the B.C. legislature on October 4, 2022.

Expected to come into force in late 2023, the MSA replaces the current (and arguably outdated) Mortgage Brokers Act (the “MBA”) by ...

Posted in Real Estate

If you are a land owner in British Columbia, you may have recently received a letter from the province’s Land Owner Transparency Registry (“LOTR”) indicating the need to file a transparency report by November 30, 2022.

Effective November 30, 2020, the British Columbia Land Owner Transparency Act (“LOTA”) came into force. LOTA is intended to increase land ...


Significant changes to Alberta’s Builders’ Lien Act came into effect this week. The major changes, introduced by Bill 37 Builders’ Lien (Prompt Payment) Amendment Act, 2020, include:

  1. Renaming the Builders’ Lien Act to the Prompt Payment and Construction Lien Act;
  2. Setting prompt payment timelines;
  3. Extending timelines for registering liens;
  4. Mandatory release ...

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Our Real Estate Law Blog provides brief commentary on current legal trends and developments affecting your business. The topics addressed in Lawson Lundell’s Real Estate Law Blog are of interest to commercial real estate developers, real estate and strata agents, investors, landlords and tenants, as well as a variety of industry groups. 

Legal Disclaimer: The information made available on this webpage is for information purposes only. It does not constitute legal advice, and should not be relied on as such. Please contact our firm if you need legal advice or have questions about the content of this webpage. 




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