- Posts by Maxwell P. CarrollPartner
Maxwell practices real estate law in British Columbia and Alberta with a focus on commercial leasing, acquisition and mixed-use development.
Maxwell has an extensive commercial leasing practice which is focused on ...

This blog post is further to our post on the B.C. government’s revised measures for residential landlords and tenants.
On July 16, 2020 the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing (the “Minister”) announced a framework for rent repayment once the ban on evictions for the non-payment of rent is lifted on September 1, 2020. A ministerial order implementing the ...

On June 24, 2020, the Minister of Public Safety issued a new ministerial order pursuant to the province’s Emergency Program Act relating to residential tenancies (the “New Order”). The New Order replaces the prior ministerial order dealing with residential tenancies, which we summarized in our blog here.
The New Order will impact Landlords and Tenants as follows:

Further to our previous blog post, BC Housing has released details regarding eligibility and has launched the application process of the recently created BC Temporary Rental Supplement Program.
The program will provide a temporary rental supplement for April, May and June, 2020 and will be paid directly to landlords. The program gives $300 per month for eligible ...

On March 25, 2020, the Government of British Columbia announced a number of relief measures for residential tenants and landlords in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. These measures are summarized in our blog post here.
On March 30, 2020, a Ministerial Order (the “Order”) pursuant to the province’s Emergency Program Act was made by the Minister of Emergency ...

As result of the closure of numerous businesses, rising unemployment and the general impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the economy, it is expected that a number of residential tenants will not be able to pay rent or will request some rent relief from landlords. In order to address this, on March 25, 2020, the Government of British Columbia outlined the following restrictions ...

On February 18, 2020, the government of B.C. introduced its 2020 provincial budget. Included in the budget is a new exemption from the additional property transfer tax, commonly known as the “foreign buyers’ tax”, which will be available for qualifying Canadian-controlled limited partnerships. Though the specific language of the exemption will not be confirmed ...
A number of the amendments to the Condominium Property Act (Alberta) (the “Act”) that were contained in the Condominium Property Amendment Act, 2014 (the “Amendment Act”) came into force on January 1, 2018, with a second set scheduled to come into force on April 1, 2018. The changes contained in the Amendment Act include a notable increase in the obligations that the ...

When doing business in Alberta or transacting with an Alberta party, it is extremely important to be aware of the requirements contained in the Guarantees Acknowledgment Act (the "GAA"). The GAA has its roots in the Great Depression era, is unique legislation among the Canadian provinces and territories, and represents one of the earliest Canadian consumer protection ...
About Us
Our Real Estate Law Blog provides brief commentary on current legal trends and developments affecting your business. The topics addressed in Lawson Lundell’s Real Estate Law Blog are of interest to commercial real estate developers, real estate and strata agents, investors, landlords and tenants, as well as a variety of industry groups.
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