The SCC updates the law on qualified privilege and malice, holding lawyers to higher standards when making alleged defamatory statements.
In its first of two companion decisions on anti-SLAPP suit motions, the Supreme Court of Canada in Pointes Protection confirmed the test to be applied (as set out in our first blog here).
In Bent v Platnick, 2020 SCC 23 the SCC applied that ...
The Supreme Court of Canada rules on anti-SLAPP motions and articulates a test with multiple stages, shifting burdens, differing standards of proof, and the weighing of expression in the public interest.
On September 10, 2020 the Supreme Court of Canada released two SLAPP-suit (Strategic Lawsuits Against Public Participation) decisions, providing guidance on the ...

In a decision released November 10, 2014, the BC Court of Appeal rejected an attempt to create a novel common law defence in the law of defamation against so-called SLAPP suits. In Northwest Organics, Limited Partnership v. Maguire, 2014 BCCA 454, the court upheld the chambers judge’s decision and declined to radically change the law of defamation by introducing such a ...
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This blog is authored by members of the Litigation and Dispute Resolution Department. We follow new and interesting issues emerging in the legal and business communities. The wide range of experience among the members of our litigation group will provide a diverse and insightful examination of current legal trends and topics. Our goal is to provide a source of valuable information and insight on a wide variety of matters for our readers.
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