In a recent decision, the Supreme Court of Canada ("SCC") has expanded the scope for constructive taking (also called de facto expropriation) claims. They have removed the requirement to show that a government has acquired a beneficial interest in the relevant land whose development rights they impair. This requirement has been replaced with the much broader category of ...
A friend called the other day distressed at the conduct of her elder and only sibling. He had said and done mean things, and taken financial and emotional advantage of their aging mother, now in a care home. The brother was a sponger. He lived rent and expense-free in mum’s home despite efforts to get him to leave. He had not worked in years and was taking advantage of his mum. My ...
In a highly anticipated decision, the Supreme Court of Canada (the “SCC”) in Barendregt v Grebliunas, 2022 SCC 22 confirmed the appropriate test for admitting additional evidence on appeal.
This decision confirms that the long-standing test set out in R.v. Palmer, [1980] 1 SCR 759, applies both to evidence that existed at the time of trial but was not adduced at that ...
In a recent decision, Condominium Corporation No. 0522151 v JV Somerset Development Inc. (Somerset Condominium)[1], the Alberta Court of Appeal held that the hands-off developer of a condominium building may be liable for construction deficiencies that emerge years after the units are sold to initial owners.
JV Somerset Development was the developer of a ...
Vancouver International Arbitration Centre’s (“VanIAC”) new International Commercial Arbitration Rules of Procedure (the “New Rules”) came into effect on July 1, 2022. In this post, we summarise what you need to know about the New Rules.
The New Rules are a significant update to the previous version of the international arbitration rules, which were last ...
On Monday, June 13, 2022, the Supreme Court of the United States ruled on whether 28 U.S. Code § 1782(a) (“s. 1782”) permits US district courts to order discovery in aid of foreign private arbitration proceedings.
In ZF Automotive US, Inc., Et al. v Luxshare Ltd. (“ZF Automotive”), the court decided that s. 1782 does not allow US district courts to order discovery for ...
A limitation period is a specific period of time within which a person with a legal claim must commence a court proceeding to assert that claim. In British Columbia, the Limitation Act, SBC 2012, c 13 (the “Limitation Act”) provides for a basic limitation period of two years from the date a claim is discovered. Failure to start a claim within the applicable limitation ...
BC Court of Appeal Settles the Law on Lien Rights for Construction Projects that Span Multiple Parcels of Land
The B.C. Court of Appeal (the “BCCA”) recently issued reasons for judgment in the highly anticipated case of JVD Installations Inc. v Skookum Creek Power Partnership (“Skookum”). The court, for the first time, declared that a “single integrated ...
In late September 2021, a judge of the British Columbia Supreme Court in chambers refused the application of Teal Cedar Products Ltd. (“Teal”) to extend the interlocutory injunction to protect its ongoing logging operations in the Fairy Creek watershed on Vancouver Island from unlawful interference by protesters.[1] Media coverage about the protests over old ...
Earlier this year, we wrote about how questions about the applicable standard of review of arbitral awards had been re-opened by two decisions of the Supreme Court of Canada (“SCC”), Canada (Minister of Citizenship and Immigration) v. Vavilov[1] (“Vavilov”) and Wastech Services Ltd. v. Greater Vancouver Sewerage and Drainage District[2] (“Wastech”).
On ...
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